How Repurposing Content Works For Your Brand

Coming up with content for a blog can seem overwhelming. Trying to figure out what your visitors are looking for can seem daunting. Or is it? One big clue is in your stats. If you don’t use Google Analytics or another form of information collection – just log into the control panel of your website and check out your traffic.

Notice the individual pages with the highest amount of traffic? Those are the types of information and content your website visitors are finding the most helpful. So when you have posts from the past that still bring in traffic, what should you do? You can do several things, one of the easiest is to update the post using current information, statistics, and other updated information. It’s not a bad idea to use new graphics in the post to further freshen it up. Then, republish!

What about blog posts where the content is great and informational but it has never gotten much exposure through search engines? It’s disheartening when you do research for a blog post and it never really takes off. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to get the information out there :

  • Turn the post into an infographic
  • Create a slide show to share on the site and social media
  • Make a video using the information, which is great for social media sharing

Before you republish any previously published item, be sure to tighten up the SEO on the page. If you don’t already have a focus keyword – establish one for a strong SEO presence. Use alt tags for your images and make visiting that post a solid quality experience for both search engines and visitors.

Horizon Marketing offers big agency services to small and mid-sized businesses. Call us at (310) 734-1493 for a free quote to level up your online success!