Tips for Growing Your Brand as a Small Business

Business hours no longer apply when it comes to marketing because of the use of the internet. You need to make sure that anywhere potential clients land, whether it is your web page, social media, or other areas, your brand representation is solid.

There are many elements to consider when you are creating consistency in your branding. Decide on the font and logo and make it yours. Here are some things you can do to grow your brand presence:

Who are you marketing to?
One of the critical elements in determining the sector of the market that you want to reach is who you want to hear your message and take action. Take the time to create buyer personas and then make inbound and social messages with those people in mind.

Set both short-term targets and long-term goals
It is vital to set goals for your marketing. You have no way to know if your efforts are effective if you don’t have goals. It is a good idea to set both short and long-term growth goals. Short term targets are vital as they keep you and your team motivated every time you hit one.

So, what’s your message?
Then it comes time to sort out your brand’s message. It is the thought you want clients and potential clients to take away from your company or organization. Avoid clique things like “We love our customers!” (So do your competitors) and “We make high-quality widgets!” (So do your competitors). It is better to focus on pain-points your product or service answers; the value buyers get or features your widget has that no one else does.

Carefully create and choose your content – The content you use to promote your site needs to be on-point for branding and your message. If you choose to blog, you must do it regularly, or it basically looks like you don’t care. Same with social media efforts, don’t ghost your followers, or it will most certainly cost you in terms of lost sales.

Make sure anytime you put something out publicly about your brand; it lends strength to the culture or message of your company or organization, and you can watch your brand grow on a solid foundation for success.