The Impact of AI on Marketing Strategies

AI on Marketing Strategies

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the marketing landscape, offering new opportunities and challenges for businesses seeking to enhance their digital strategies. Horizon Marketing, a leader in the integration of AI with traditional marketing practices, explores the profound impacts of AI on the field. Here’s how AI is shaping the future of marketing. AI-Driven Data Analysis … Read more

Leave Social Media to the Experts: Focus on Your Business with Horizon Marketing

Social media marketing

Social media marketing is now a fundamental component of modern business marketing plans. It’s a powerful tool for reaching and engaging with your customers, building brand awareness, and driving sales. However, managing social media accounts effectively requires time, expertise, and a deep understanding of the ever-evolving landscape of platforms and algorithms. That’s where Horizon Marketing … Read more

Best Times to Post on Social Media – Infographic Series

Best Times to Post on Social Media

It’s good to plan your social media posting around #Events and #SpecialDays that relate to your market, such as foodie observances like National Hot Dog Day or #WorldCoffeeDrinkersDay is something nearly everyone can get behind. Then, there are posts you really want to get seen. While you might do an inspirational quote in the morning, … Read more

Ways Bad SEO Can Get Your Site Blacklisted

Bad SEO Can Get Your Site Blacklisted

Did you know that Google blacklists 6000 to 10,000 websites daily? While there is no direct reasons given or special tools, reaching out to an SEO company can help you nail down what is hurting your search engine optimization, and they can confirm whether or not your site has toxic links or practices that have … Read more

Tips For Finding the Time to Market Your Small to Medium-Size Business

Tips Market Your Small to Medium-Size Business

According to a poll taken by InfusionSoft, nearly one in five small business owners do not use any type of digital marketing. Almost 49% who do their own marketing cited a lack of time as a significant factor for making an effort to engage in consistent digital marketing. As we’ve seen in 2020, people staying … Read more

Five Top Tips for Winning at Pinterest in 2020

Tips for Winning at Pinterest

Did you know 34% of Americans use Pinterest? If you’re not harnessing the power of this platform, it’s time. Time of day isn’t something that matters on Pinterest, the first five pins that you save each day are the ones that will get the most reach, however. Something you might notice is that your audience … Read more

Ideas For Marketing That Won’t Cost a Cent

Ideas For Marketing That Won't Cost a Cent

One of the roughest parts of having a small business is the lack of a budget for marketing. It is not uncommon for payroll, stock, and overhead to eat up the budget. Here are five easy ways to market your product or service that won’t break the bank. Newsletters Still WorkIf you don’t have an … Read more

Things You Need to Know About Social Media

Things You Need to Know About Social Media

When it comes to promoting your small to medium-sized business on social media, there are most definitely right and wrong ways to go about it. Here is an overview of things you need to know about social media.. 1. There is no magic formula for clicks/engagementContrary to what you’ve read, posting x amount of times … Read more

Tips for Using Content Marketing to Target Clients

Tips for Using Content Marketing

It’s great to have visitors coming to your website, but you want clients. If you have a decent traffic flow and the sales are not happening, it might be due to a lack of targeting. Let’s face it; the days of creating content to get indexed in Google is gone. And that’s not a bad … Read more