How to Create an Effective Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing has become a critical strategy for businesses looking to engage their audience and boost conversions in the digital age. With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), the dynamics of marketing tactics and customer engagement are undergoing significant transformations. Horizon Marketing is at the forefront of this evolution, helping businesses navigate and implement cutting-edge … Read more

Ways Bad SEO Can Get Your Site Blacklisted

Bad SEO Can Get Your Site Blacklisted

Did you know that Google blacklists 6000 to 10,000 websites daily? While there is no direct reasons given or special tools, reaching out to an SEO company can help you nail down what is hurting your search engine optimization, and they can confirm whether or not your site has toxic links or practices that have … Read more

7 Things That Are Bad for Your SEO (But people do anyway and wonder why their site isn’t getting traffic)

7 Things That Are Bad for Your SEO

#1 Duplicate Content is the EnemyWant to make a search engine forget your website?Copy content on your pages and offer nothing new or of value. Mission accomplished. If you want to get found, each page should be unique. If you have pages that require duplication of content – mark up those pages as “no index, … Read more