How to Create an Effective Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing has become a critical strategy for businesses looking to engage their audience and boost conversions in the digital age. With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), the dynamics of marketing tactics and customer engagement are undergoing significant transformations. Horizon Marketing is at the forefront of this evolution, helping businesses navigate and implement cutting-edge … Read more

Ways Bad SEO Can Get Your Site Blacklisted

Bad SEO Can Get Your Site Blacklisted

Did you know that Google blacklists 6000 to 10,000 websites daily? While there is no direct reasons given or special tools, reaching out to an SEO company can help you nail down what is hurting your search engine optimization, and they can confirm whether or not your site has toxic links or practices that have … Read more

3 Winning Ways to Market Locally for Your Brand


It’s easy to get caught up in marketing your business with blog content, search engine marketing, non-toxic backlinks and other fine-tuning that every online marketing effort needs. One thing you shouldn’t overlook is the power of local marketing, and we’re not just talking about Google Business listings. It’s also about making your brand the one … Read more

Did Google’s Update Make Your Stars Disappear for Your Local Business, Product/Service, or Blog Posts?

Did Google’s Update Make Your Stars Disappear

Google’s official blog had a post titled, “Making Review Rich Results more helpful”  on September 16th. In a nutshell, they said moving forward they would reduce the number of scheme types allowed to make sure self-serving reviews were not a part of the count.  The result is that ratings and reviews previously displayed for organizations, … Read more

Infographic Series : 3 Marketing Stats to Kick Off Your Day

3 Marketing Stats to Kick Off Your Day

It has never been more vital to leverage your online presence, both your website and social media. Google now reads social signals and looks for sharing and approval among users as a vote of authority for a site.Here are 3 Marketing Stats that will show you why scaling up your SEO and making sure you’re … Read more

5 Things Social Media Should Accomplish for Your Brand – Infographic

5 Things Social Media Should Accomplish

Once upon a time, if you wanted to know about a company you only had a few avenues to use: 1 – Look them up in the Yellow Pages to find out basic information (and hopefully the company forked over the big bucks for the large-side block ad that had hours and basic service stuff … Read more

Infographic: What’s Your Value Proposition?

What's Your Value Proposition?

Sometimes it’s hard to nail down what a company does, even for the brand themselves. But until you center on the value they bring and why they should be the choice for consumers or other businesses – you cannot effectively market. Instead of the tired and obvious:We are great at what we do. So are … Read more

5 Crucial Elements in Your Social Media Audit

Social Media Audit

No one wants to read social media posts that basically say, “Hey buy my product.” and “Hey, use my service.” Over and over and over, even if you put a cool gif image with it to make it “fun.” If you could make all ads completely enjoyable as entertainment, then you will have cracked the … Read more

Does Your Brand Really Need a Blog or a Buyer Persona? 

When you’re a small to medium-sized business, you’ll hear over and over you need a blog. Truth is, you probably do, but not every brand benefits from a blog in the traditional sense. To determine if a blog is a right for your brand, you need to look at the basic work a blog does … Read more