Twitter Halting Advertisers’ Access to 3rd Party Data Sources in Early 2020

If you currently rely on Twitter’s 3rd party data information for your advertising, the time to start incorporating other sources is here. In the wake of Facebook changes to user privacy, Twitter announced Wednesday it is implementing changes to the audience data sector of the site and with the desired outcome being a shift the … Read more

Infographic: What’s Your Value Proposition?

What's Your Value Proposition?

Sometimes it’s hard to nail down what a company does, even for the brand themselves. But until you center on the value they bring and why they should be the choice for consumers or other businesses – you cannot effectively market. Instead of the tired and obvious:We are great at what we do. So are … Read more

5 Crucial Elements in Your Social Media Audit

Social Media Audit

No one wants to read social media posts that basically say, “Hey buy my product.” and “Hey, use my service.” Over and over and over, even if you put a cool gif image with it to make it “fun.” If you could make all ads completely enjoyable as entertainment, then you will have cracked the … Read more

Does Your Brand Really Need a Blog or a Buyer Persona? 

When you’re a small to medium-sized business, you’ll hear over and over you need a blog. Truth is, you probably do, but not every brand benefits from a blog in the traditional sense. To determine if a blog is a right for your brand, you need to look at the basic work a blog does … Read more

How to Turn Website Visitors into Clients

How to Turn Website Visitors into Clients

Your website is one of the most powerful forms of inbound marketing you have to showcase your brand. It’s there 24/7, ready to answer questions, spread your message, and handle sales. Are you using that potential to its fullest? If not, here are tips for leveraging your website to garner more sales. Know Who Your … Read more

Branding Strategies for Small and Medium-Sized Business Owners

Branding Strategies for Business Owners

Branding is something that confuses a lot of business owners. It’s more than a recognizable logo or tagline that describes your business. According to Wikipedia, “A brand is a name, term, design, symbol or any other feature that identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those of other sellers.” Sounds simple right? Consider … Read more

How Timeboxing works

How Timeboxing works

I read this interesting article in the Harvard Business Review entitled, “How Timeboxing Works and Why It Will Make You More Productive.” I don’t know about you, but I, from time to time, need a reminder about these valuable principles.Here is the teaser intro to the article, “Don’t Just Have a To-Do List — Timebox … Read more

The 3 Elements of Trust

The 3 Elements of Trust

As business leaders, trust has always been critical to our success. Jack Zenger extensive research on the subject helps to quantify the elements that help us build and maintain trust. Thanks Jack.

A New Way to Become More Open Minded

We live in a very dynamic world where the only constant is change and it is coming ever faster. I hope this article I recently read in the Harvard Business Review helps us to say current and relevant. Enjoy, “A New Way to Become More Open Minded“  by Shane Snow