Ideas For Marketing That Won’t Cost a Cent

Ideas For Marketing That Won't Cost a Cent

One of the roughest parts of having a small business is the lack of a budget for marketing. It is not uncommon for payroll, stock, and overhead to eat up the budget. Here are five easy ways to market your product or service that won’t break the bank. Newsletters Still WorkIf you don’t have an … Read more

Productivity Hacks for Your Marketing

Productivity Hacks for Your Marketing - Horizon Marketing

No one has to tell you that marketing makes the difference in the success of your brand. Why have arguably the best product or service out there if no one finds out about it? Finding time to market is a whole other story, and trying to do everything manually can lead to burnout. And that’s … Read more

Ways to Stay Ahead of Changes in Your Market

Ways to Stay Ahead of Changes in Your Market

No one has to tell you it is essential to stay current on trends in your niche market or industry. The practice goes beyond hitting social media or Google News for what’s trending. You need to hone the skills for predicting the directions your chosen market is heading. Ask Your CustomersSocial listening and paying attention … Read more

Things You Need to Know About Social Media

Things You Need to Know About Social Media

When it comes to promoting your small to medium-sized business on social media, there are most definitely right and wrong ways to go about it. Here is an overview of things you need to know about social media.. 1. There is no magic formula for clicks/engagementContrary to what you’ve read, posting x amount of times … Read more

Tips for Using Content Marketing to Target Clients

Tips for Using Content Marketing

It’s great to have visitors coming to your website, but you want clients. If you have a decent traffic flow and the sales are not happening, it might be due to a lack of targeting. Let’s face it; the days of creating content to get indexed in Google is gone. And that’s not a bad … Read more

5 Tips for SEO Trends in 2020

5 Tips for SEO Trends in 2020

It is becoming more and more apparent that Google is aiming to no longer be the middleman in user searches but rather the end destination. That and other changes that occurred this past year, here are 5 Tips for SEO Trends that are likely to affect rankings in 2020. Don’t Freak Out About Zero-Click Searches … Read more