How Repurposing Content Works For Your Brand

How Repurposing Content Works For Your Brand

Coming up with content for a blog can seem overwhelming. Trying to figure out what your visitors are looking for can seem daunting. Or is it? One big clue is in your stats. If you don’t use Google Analytics or another form of information collection – just log into the control panel of your website … Read more

New Google Publisher Policies for Adsense

New Google Publisher Policies for Adsense

If you use monetize Adsense on your website or Youtube account, some new changes went into effect today you should know about. New Google Publisher Policies for Adsense Effective today, September 30th, 2019, Google updated the criteria for the types of content that is allowed to be monetized. To continue to utilize the benefits of … Read more

Did Google’s Update Make Your Stars Disappear for Your Local Business, Product/Service, or Blog Posts?

Did Google’s Update Make Your Stars Disappear

Google’s official blog had a post titled, “Making Review Rich Results more helpful”  on September 16th. In a nutshell, they said moving forward they would reduce the number of scheme types allowed to make sure self-serving reviews were not a part of the count.  The result is that ratings and reviews previously displayed for organizations, … Read more

7 Things That Are Bad for Your SEO (But people do anyway and wonder why their site isn’t getting traffic)

7 Things That Are Bad for Your SEO

#1 Duplicate Content is the EnemyWant to make a search engine forget your website?Copy content on your pages and offer nothing new or of value. Mission accomplished. If you want to get found, each page should be unique. If you have pages that require duplication of content – mark up those pages as “no index, … Read more

Content Marketing and Why You Need It

Content Marketing and Why You Need It

There are three things that drive a successful online business in terms of marketing: SEO, social network presence and content marketing. By far, content marketing is the most crucial to get right. What is the Definition of Content? Think broader than a blog post when you consider content. It can be text, videos, infographics, or … Read more

Does Your Landing Page Entice or Repel Visitors?

Does Your Landing Page Entice

Does your website have a landing page? If leads are drying up or just flat out no longer happening, it’s time to decipher what is going on. The first answer is in the analytics. When your landing page is working for your brand, the leads should be increasing over time as your organic reach grows. … Read more

Does Alt Text Matter in 2019?

Does Alt Text Matter in 2019?

Alt attributes have been a thing on websites since 1999 when the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) used them as a way to make the web more accessible for everyone, and alt text is a way for the visually impaired to “see” images on a screen. Blame JLo and Her Green DressIn 2001, searches by … Read more

Infographic Series : 3 Marketing Stats to Kick Off Your Day

3 Marketing Stats to Kick Off Your Day

It has never been more vital to leverage your online presence, both your website and social media. Google now reads social signals and looks for sharing and approval among users as a vote of authority for a site.Here are 3 Marketing Stats that will show you why scaling up your SEO and making sure you’re … Read more

Tips for Growing Your Brand as a Small Business

Tips for Growing Your Brand

Business hours no longer apply when it comes to marketing because of the use of the internet. You need to make sure that anywhere potential clients land, whether it is your web page, social media, or other areas, your brand representation is solid. There are many elements to consider when you are creating consistency in … Read more

5 Things Social Media Should Accomplish for Your Brand – Infographic

5 Things Social Media Should Accomplish

Once upon a time, if you wanted to know about a company you only had a few avenues to use: 1 – Look them up in the Yellow Pages to find out basic information (and hopefully the company forked over the big bucks for the large-side block ad that had hours and basic service stuff … Read more